
This Really Is Just Rambling

This weekend I really didn’t do a thing I just sat around and watched the Olympics there so awesome I love them. There’s just so much sprit nothing can even compete with the Olympics. I think Mariah and I will have to go to them one year after she’s done with college and all the loans are paid off so we might end up going when we are around 70 yep that sounds good to me. But I really do hope we can go before that I would just love it. I really like to watch the speed skating it’s so much fun! Maybe I can get a job to shoot them one time that would work and that would be even more fun. O well what’s up with you all I don’t have much going on here this week just the same old. I can’t wait till spring break  it will be so much fun coming home for almost two weeks o yea. Well spring break is really only ten days long but I will be staying home an extra almost an extra week to go on a trip with Layne Sara and Mariah to Detroit it will be so much fun I am going to take my camera so I will still be able to work on my photo assignments while were on the trip and it will be even more fun than just coming home for ten days. I don’t know if that all made a whole lot of anything but I know what I ment by it so thats all that matters right? Well I will talk to you all later.

Live on bloggers,

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