
I Agree

Two nights ago I was down at the front desk just chillen. Alison and Mattie were down there and I was going over some photos for a photo assiment. When Mattie said we are starting up BASIC again. I said what is that she said it stands for Brothers And Sisters In Christ. I said who is doing it. She said Alison and I. Well this came to a big shock to me I thought these two why in the world is it these two. As I was setting there thinking about them and there life styles she tells me that Andrew will be leading worship on his guitar. O my gosh now there are three. All three of them sleep with there boy/girlfriends and don't even live a life like God wants. So what they go to church when they feel like it it's not what matters. She most of gone on talking because I was just sitting there thinking about what is wrong with this picture and she kept say my name. Finley I looked up and she said are you going to come? Well I really didn't know if I was going to go. I was thinking I wonder what it is like to be in a room full of sinners that say they love Jesus but they don't live life like they do and try to enter in to the presence of God. O well blame Jeremy for this post he got me thinking about it again. How do you like the new look? Talk to you later.

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Anonymous said...

It seems like Christianity has become a "fad" instead of a lifestyle. People need to know how desperately they need Jesus. We should all start paying for them. It kind of sounds cliché to say, but it's true. We need our hearts to break for the lost. Sometimes it's hard to not get upset with people who are being so worldly and mocking God, but even when Jesus was on the cross, He said Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing, Jesus still had compassion for them. He is so amazing!

Mrs Edgey said...

Alex, Maybe this is just the opportunity for you to teach them the truth and be used by God, brother. It is difficult not to be judgemental, but think about how much God has forgiven us.
They are still walking in blindness but at least they are seeking him.