
Ahhhhh my eye

Duh my eye still hurts so bad and it's like 10 at night. All day it's just hurt I can't stand it and it makes it really hard to take photos with it like this because it the eye that I look thru the viewfinder with and all I want to do is blink. Just got of the phone with Mariah and she says that ATF is great better than ever. My roommate doesn't know how to type quietly in any form or way. And the people next door are being really loud and keep hitting the walls. It might be just because I'm tired because my eye hurts but it still is bothering me I know I know I should be more understanding but two nights ago they kept hitting the wall so I get is back and they kept going. So I did it again and nothing changed but soon there was a knock at the door. It was about 11 at night and I was in bed. So I went to the door and it was the big one I don't know there names that's why I say the big one. Well I can't do anything about them so I will just have to do something about me. Batman is on TV right now and I have noticed that it a pretty dark movie I don't think that was there goal when they made the movie but it still is. I want to go to bed but I don't think I will be able to sleep. I think I will go shoot in the morning. Right now I have a assiment to pick a photographer and shoot like them in there style so to say. Well I chose John Sexton who actually lives here in Colorado. Well his book "listen To The Trees" is a book with only photos of trees it's really cool. So I showed Klouse and he said great. So I think I am going to get up before the sun and go up to McClure pass in time for the early light it's great for shooting. Well I better get my stuff ready if I'm going to go so I will talk to you all later.

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