

Well I'm still not feeling well I've been going to class and doing everything that I need to but I still don't fell that well. Last night I got sleep yes I got sleep. I wonder if I took my roommates computer away if he would go thru withdraws. Everytime he comes in here he looks like he is going to kill anything that gets inbetween him and his computer. I even think I saw his eye twitching when he came in. Just kidding he's all the entertanment I have just sitting here on my bed If I move my head feels like there are monkeys banging on the inside wanting to be let loose. I think I might try and hide his mouse tonight just kidding again to much work. See now I know I'm feeling better I can make a joke LOL. I may not be able to talk and be heard but I can still make a joke, it's just so funny to put it that way. O darn now my eyes are shut and I don't know if I can open them again well at least I can still type I don't need to see in order to type wouldn't that be funny if my hands were on the wrong keys? Wow that was a fun little nap I just had well I will talk to you all later,

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