
Mom's Blog

Well I don't know how it got out that my mom had a blog but she has had it for quite a long time now. So if anyone knows how it was found out I want to know. I don't have much to do today just got wet darkroom and photo club o and this is a photo of Derek's camera after the crash we have it hanging on the wall in the photo lab. Well I will talk to you later.

Live on bloggers,


Ryan Brancheau said...

This is the World Wide Web, a network of information, a plethora of knowledge. Do you really think you can keep something quite for long, especially with google? I was searching for Cahlen’s blog & stumbled onto it. How many thousands of others do you think passed by it? If you don’t want people to see you try LiveJournal.com, you can lock your blog & only let certain people in, or use a sudoname.

Anonymous said...

Sorry i'v been gone so long poooky,
I went to UTAH to vist some family & friends.
I'm telling you this to tell you i'm back.