

Duh I'm so hungrey right now I didn't eat breakfest and I wish I had. But all well this morning some time before it was light out I woke up with a pain in my eye. Now this wasn't the kind of pain that is normal for something in your eye. It's more doul than that and just hurts. I told my mom about it and she said that I might have had something in it and it just got washed out in the night and now I have a scratch. It's allmost lunch and my eye won't stop tearing up it's going to look like I'm crying all day. This will make the darkroom hard today. O yesterday I was in the darkroom from 1:30 to allmost 8 at night. Yea a long time is right. And out of all that time I only got 4 crapy prints not because of the amount of time I spent on them but because I scratched my negetves when I was trying to get it on the reel. But it will do for now hey it was dark in there when you are doing that you have to have no light no light at all you try and open the can take the film out and put it on a metel reel just right as that it's not touching on the side all in the dark yea what now. YES!!! Time to eat.

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