Today is just another day in a year nothing special about it. This morning I had speech I love getting up early to go to that eight o’clock class it’s becoming one of my favorites. Well we talked about how to listen to a speech and retain the info. So we did one of those telephone things where you start at one end and try to make it to the other with the same info fat chance. Well about half way thru it got to me and this is what I heard “Start like your going to Carbondale turn when you see a trailer and turn left um or right. Next go for about three lefts than turn left (doesn’t that put you right back where you were?) Than it’s a big yellow house on the left” I won’t even tell you what they really were. O well next we did a thing where only one person can talk at a time the one with the talking stick or in our case a water bottle. Topic abortion rights first thought was this should be interesting. Well it was more than I thought it was around three fourths of the class are pro-life who would of thought. And we all had about the same thing to say. Of course there were those guys that didn’t want to say anything and played it off like they didn’t think anyone should say anything about the fact. Yea right when have I been one to just sit there and say nothing when it comes to something like this, NEVER. I almost asked for the stick again cause I had more to say as time went on. But I guess it was enough to say if your stupid enough to have sex and not think about the end result I feel bad for your kid but thats what the end result is your now a future mother enjoy. Not the kindest thing to say but there were some guys saying the stupidest things about how it’s your choice well it’s was your choice to have sex when you weren’t ready for what sex was made for hello get real. I’m writing so much because we are supposed to write what the outcome of what everybody said was for the class. Over all it was a fun thing to do I think Layne should have the youth group talk in this way about things its kinda fun and you retain a lot more info and start to form a opinion for your self thru it. Cause has I was setting there listing to other people talk it started to bring things back to my memory that I hadn’t thought of in a long time. I now think that I could win the agreement if someone brought it up out of the blue. Well I will talk to you all later.
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Something New
Now that I am over my Olympic thing yea I know I have a quick rebound rate. Well now I can really talk about something well not really todays class was canceled because Derek is sick. So there’s not much to do but just more homework so I thought I would take a break. I think I will go and shoot later it’s such a nice day why not but I will have to wait until later when the sun goes down a little to much sun makes for not such nice photos. Well nothing much to talk about so I will talk about nothing hmmm nothing what really is nothing can you think about nothing or is there always something going on in your head? This is one of the things that might be going thru your head when you think you are thinking about nothing sorry about the long pause there was someone at the door looking for well I don’t know who but it wasn’t me or my roommate. Where was I o well I don’t remember. I’m so bored I really want to do something different with my-self but I don’t know what to do. I’m not sure if I’m bored with my photography my-self sprituly or just want to go and do something different from what I have been doing. I think it might be all 3 with photography I have been shooting the same thing all the time I should find something different to shoot it might help if I just went and shoot something. And that might help with just changing things up a little. I think I will go to town and shoot some I need to go anyway I might as well do it. I will do that in a little bit. You know what I really miss about being home and I was thinking about this last time I was at church which was yesterday morning. Is being a part doing something other than just sitting there in church. I don’t think you grow the same if you just sit there you need to do something this is what I have come to want lately is just to do something more. Well what is up with you all I wish more people would post more often than they do. I can’t wait to come home and see everybody I don’t know how I’m going to be gone for another year when I can hardly stand it now. And missing Mariah really isn’t all that fun daydreaming is well it’s just not the same as being there in person and getting to spend time with her. I really don’t have anything else to say so I will just talk to you all later.
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This Really Is Just Rambling
This weekend I really didn’t do a thing I just sat around and watched the Olympics there so awesome I love them. There’s just so much sprit nothing can even compete with the Olympics. I think Mariah and I will have to go to them one year after she’s done with college and all the loans are paid off so we might end up going when we are around 70 yep that sounds good to me. But I really do hope we can go before that I would just love it. I really like to watch the speed skating it’s so much fun! Maybe I can get a job to shoot them one time that would work and that would be even more fun. O well what’s up with you all I don’t have much going on here this week just the same old. I can’t wait till spring break it will be so much fun coming home for almost two weeks o yea. Well spring break is really only ten days long but I will be staying home an extra almost an extra week to go on a trip with Layne Sara and Mariah to Detroit it will be so much fun I am going to take my camera so I will still be able to work on my photo assignments while were on the trip and it will be even more fun than just coming home for ten days. I don’t know if that all made a whole lot of anything but I know what I ment by it so thats all that matters right? Well I will talk to you all later.
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Does This Work
If this works than this is so cool. I now have a widget that lets me post right from it o yea!!! So what is up with you all nothing much going on here. It's been warm here about 30. Well talk to you all later.
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Well I'm still not feeling well I've been going to class and doing everything that I need to but I still don't fell that well. Last night I got sleep yes I got sleep. I wonder if I took my roommates computer away if he would go thru withdraws. Everytime he comes in here he looks like he is going to kill anything that gets inbetween him and his computer. I even think I saw his eye twitching when he came in. Just kidding he's all the entertanment I have just sitting here on my bed If I move my head feels like there are monkeys banging on the inside wanting to be let loose. I think I might try and hide his mouse tonight just kidding again to much work. See now I know I'm feeling better I can make a joke LOL. I may not be able to talk and be heard but I can still make a joke, it's just so funny to put it that way. O darn now my eyes are shut and I don't know if I can open them again well at least I can still type I don't need to see in order to type wouldn't that be funny if my hands were on the wrong keys? Wow that was a fun little nap I just had well I will talk to you all later,
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Last night was one of the worst nights of my life. Yesterday I was sick didn't do a thing sick. All day I just sat in my room and didn't get anything done and I have to give a speech tomarrow morning and still don't know what I'm going to do it on. All I want to do right now is sleep but I need to get a assinment done for class today and help give tours for visit day. As far as last night I went to bed at about 9 I didn't fall a sleep until 12 and wokeup every half an hour to an hour. And my legs hurt so bad it keept me from going back to sleep and still do now. Well I will talk to you when I feel better.
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Q: Pink Or Blue A: Blue
Well there you have it this was fun I might just have to do it again. Just wondering how Ryan got blue, so if you would just tell me how. In the originals there was no real big difference but once I brought it onto the web the pink lost most of it's color other wise the saturation would of matched on them both, darn web can't get colors right at all. Well nothing much going on here today just have one class and might play a little xbox. Last night was fun we went to Pizza Hut. But the downfall was that yesterday was disability day here at campus and Abby said that because we were going somewhere she still thought that we should participate. We said sure and she handed Leslie a soup dipper, Derek a whisk and me a ice cream scooper. The rules are you have to eat with only that. I have photos I will post them later. After a while Derek and I traded and I had the whisk by the way the whisk is hard to pizza with. It was so much fun there was this old couple of to the side of us that just looked at us with the weirdest faces. After that I went up and paid for the food and nobody saw me go up. So what did I do I came back to the table and tried to convince them to dine and ditch but to no such luck. So we walked up to pay and I just walked out the door as Derek said we shared the food you know. I just laughed and started the car. For some-reason it took them like two minets to figure out that I had already pad. But it was so much fun to the look on there faces when they came out. Well I will talk to you layer.
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It Can't Be
It can't be its not possible no don't say it's so. To all you Mac users its here the first virus to target Mac OS X. Who would of thought not me that's who. Well that's all there is to say it only go to about 50 computers and spread thru iChat. Didn't do any real damage to the computers just deleted some files. But it's happened now there will be more our great time of a life virus free is over darn.
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Pink or Blue?
How Much Wood Could A WoodChuck Chuck If... WHO CARES!!
O my gosh this day is going good. It snowed here last night and it was great to see it on the ground this morning there's something about fresh snow on the ground that just makes everything more beautiful its almost like what God does with us covers up all the ugly stuff. Well yesterday was a good day too. I had class in the morning and most of us are gone to Yellowstone for a field trip so there was like four of us left there. So what did we do we all went to Carbondale to shoot and have coffee. It was great I found a keg hidden under a window. Of course I took a couple of shots of it I will post them later this afternoon. We all just had fun, Klaus bought us all the coffee and we just sat there and he talked about flashes and such stuff. It was great after that I was done for the day and just hung-out with Derek and played xbox for awhile James bond if you wanted to know. Than I came back to my room and talked to Mariah after she got back from church. After that I went down to the front desk to see if the RA's were done with my computer they were watching a movie. I was going to watch it with them but I decided to come up to my room and talk on the phone with the pre-mentioned person. They had been busy so I watched the last half of the movie with Sean and went to bed at about 12:45 this morning. Speech class was good today we watched our videos from our last speech talked about our next speech and what we needed to do in order to make it good. Our next speech is a demonstration speech but I'm still not sure what I'm going to do it on. I really need to deiced so I can get all the stuff ready. If you have any ideas I am more than welcome to hear them just leave a comment PLEASE I need all the help I can get I really don't have a clue what to do. That sounded funny. O and yesterday I didn't even tell you that while I was sitting down there some guy walked by and she said that he should come to BASIC and he said that he wasn't a christen she said you don't have to be. Now I know that sounds normal just come and hangout see what were all about. But thats not what she meant by it. And by what I understand about music is that the heart of the singer/musician is what carries over thru the music ahhhh. It more and more surprises me how much people don't know that I have know sense I was a little kid. Well I will talk to you later.
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I Agree
Two nights ago I was down at the front desk just chillen. Alison and Mattie were down there and I was going over some photos for a photo assiment. When Mattie said we are starting up BASIC again. I said what is that she said it stands for Brothers And Sisters In Christ. I said who is doing it. She said Alison and I. Well this came to a big shock to me I thought these two why in the world is it these two. As I was setting there thinking about them and there life styles she tells me that Andrew will be leading worship on his guitar. O my gosh now there are three. All three of them sleep with there boy/girlfriends and don't even live a life like God wants. So what they go to church when they feel like it it's not what matters. She most of gone on talking because I was just sitting there thinking about what is wrong with this picture and she kept say my name. Finley I looked up and she said are you going to come? Well I really didn't know if I was going to go. I was thinking I wonder what it is like to be in a room full of sinners that say they love Jesus but they don't live life like they do and try to enter in to the presence of God. O well blame Jeremy for this post he got me thinking about it again. How do you like the new look? Talk to you later.
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A Photo High
Well today was a good day I got up this morning eat and got ready to go. Now its about time I got out and shot. You know you really love something when you start to get hungry to spend time doing it. It's kinda like when your hungry for god you know what I mean? So any way I got out and went to Redstone. It's a small town near here in McClure pass. So I got there went a little on one of the side roads and started shooting. Things were going good and I was walkling in the snow it was past my knees. Finley I got back into the trees and it was better. I had shot around 50 images so far and was getting cold. But than I just started shooting everything around me that I could find. Before I knew it I had filled up my 1GB card in under and hour. It was so much fun I had had a great quite time earler in the morning and I think that might have had something to do with the whole thing. But it was so much fun. By the time I got back to my car I had come down off my photo high and was cold again and decied to go back to my room. Well talk to you later.
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Ahhhhh my eye
Duh my eye still hurts so bad and it's like 10 at night. All day it's just hurt I can't stand it and it makes it really hard to take photos with it like this because it the eye that I look thru the viewfinder with and all I want to do is blink. Just got of the phone with Mariah and she says that ATF is great better than ever. My roommate doesn't know how to type quietly in any form or way. And the people next door are being really loud and keep hitting the walls. It might be just because I'm tired because my eye hurts but it still is bothering me I know I know I should be more understanding but two nights ago they kept hitting the wall so I get is back and they kept going. So I did it again and nothing changed but soon there was a knock at the door. It was about 11 at night and I was in bed. So I went to the door and it was the big one I don't know there names that's why I say the big one. Well I can't do anything about them so I will just have to do something about me. Batman is on TV right now and I have noticed that it a pretty dark movie I don't think that was there goal when they made the movie but it still is. I want to go to bed but I don't think I will be able to sleep. I think I will go shoot in the morning. Right now I have a assiment to pick a photographer and shoot like them in there style so to say. Well I chose John Sexton who actually lives here in Colorado. Well his book "listen To The Trees" is a book with only photos of trees it's really cool. So I showed Klouse and he said great. So I think I am going to get up before the sun and go up to McClure pass in time for the early light it's great for shooting. Well I better get my stuff ready if I'm going to go so I will talk to you all later.
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Duh I'm so hungrey right now I didn't eat breakfest and I wish I had. But all well this morning some time before it was light out I woke up with a pain in my eye. Now this wasn't the kind of pain that is normal for something in your eye. It's more doul than that and just hurts. I told my mom about it and she said that I might have had something in it and it just got washed out in the night and now I have a scratch. It's allmost lunch and my eye won't stop tearing up it's going to look like I'm crying all day. This will make the darkroom hard today. O yesterday I was in the darkroom from 1:30 to allmost 8 at night. Yea a long time is right. And out of all that time I only got 4 crapy prints not because of the amount of time I spent on them but because I scratched my negetves when I was trying to get it on the reel. But it will do for now hey it was dark in there when you are doing that you have to have no light no light at all you try and open the can take the film out and put it on a metel reel just right as that it's not touching on the side all in the dark yea what now. YES!!! Time to eat.
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Mom's Blog
Well I don't know how it got out that my mom had a blog but she has had it for quite a long time now. So if anyone knows how it was found out I want to know. I don't have much to do today just got wet darkroom and photo club o and this is a photo of Derek's camera after the crash we have it hanging on the wall in the photo lab. Well I will talk to you later.

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