Low Key
Shooting Glass
I Than Sat In The Seat
First Time In The Studio
Fine I Will Already!
Wow things have been busy since we got here and I don't have much time before class to post but I thought I would anyways just because I could ha. I will I will try to post more often but until than I will just leave you with some photos that I have taken latly and it's only about a tenth of the shots I want to post but I don't have time to get the others ready before class well talk to you all later.

11 Photos
Derick, Mariah & I were down in town today and I came across this painting in a alley. It was to big for me to get it in one photo because I couldn't back up very far. So I've seen people do something like this and thought that I would give it a try so this is the out come. I like they diffrent way they look so I think you will see more of these in the future.

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Weekend Wait What Weekend
It's Monday!!! This last week - weekend was a very busy one. Filled with great times and long days. Thursday Mariah & I went to the Edgecombs for dinner and so I could take a couple of shots of Elizabeth for them. We had so much fun and the shots of Elizabeth turned out great. Than on Sunday we went to church and it was Faith Factor week so cool and so much fun Brendan ate a cricket heck yea. I think Ryan will have video up from it on the church's website soon when they do you would take a look, I'll try and remember to post when he does. Than that afternoon we went to the park in Adel to meet Mark & Ashley so I could shoot there engagement photos. I haven't taken a look at them yet but will tell you how they look later. It was way different trying to shoot with people together instead of just a kid when all I needed is a great face and some good light for. I will get better at shooting people as I gain more experience. I'm sure that if I were to do it again that I would do it ten times better than before. It was great though we stood around and talked afterwards and had a fun time. I loved it and can't wait to do it again. Well I will post later this week I hope so talk to you than.
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The Light
You stand in the dark, why are you there? What is going on that brought you to such a place in the middle of nowhere and why is it so dark here? What is that noise it's all around you, it sounds like something beating a thousand times a second or is it a thousand things beating one time a second that surrounds you. Wait what is that, there is a glimpse of light it's distant but it is there. What is the source of the light everything about it is overwhelming, you must have the light. The light is what you long for, nothing else matters to you but the light. As you try to get to the light your heart beating wild with the love for the light that now has you running faster and faster for nothing, the light is still small and far away to far for you to reach. The sound is overwhelming, you want the light so bad you can taste it on your lips, it's at the end of your finger tips. You try and try but the black moves with you as you try to go to the light. You beat at the dark like it's mulling you. You try to run from it but it stays with you, moves with you. Why can't you get away from it? You just want the light but nothing you do get's you any closer to the light, no matter how hard you try it's out of your reach. You are powerless, nothing you can do will get you to the light. Something no someone grabs you and the ground around is now visible. You can see a path now, it's there and this person is leading you down it towards the light. The light is getting closer it's getting bigger brighter more and more overwhelming. A loud crack and the dark is gone forever behind you. The light is the majestic thing you have ever seen, nothing can compare to the light not silver not gold not any idol. It seeps into you, it runs thru every vain in your body what power what love, you can feel it now. You think to your self, "this had to have been what the person that led me to the light must have felt". You fall to the ground tears dripping down your face soaking the dirt beneath you. You stand up with a new determination, there it is the black you turn to face it's direction led by something new. You start to walk back to it but are now running a deep fast strong desperate run. Into the dark you go thinking, "there are others looking for the light and I must show them the way".
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Me & My Stupid Self
So the past couple of day's I have been thinking really really hard on something and think that I have made much progress into the deep of this subject are you ready because here it comes, the point that I have made great leaps & bounds into the deep thoughts of is the second bathroom stall in a men's bathroom. I have gone to the bathroom and have been required to use a bathroom stall almost everyday here are American Equity at or around 9 o'clock in the morning and again sometime in the afternoon. Although afternoon times are more random than the morning bathroom stall visit. In my visits there are a few thing that I have noticed that may prove that the second bathroom stall is more than just a box with a hole for the in particular bathroom stall user. First off I want to make clear that this is only true if you are not a upper management person per say of a corporate company for they have no reason to worry about he person next to them thinking anything "weird" about them, they can fire them on the spot if needed. But for the rest of us here is my thought on the second bathroom stall in the men's bathroom. Because you can't see the person in the stall next to you, you can't know if they are someone important or just some equal but still influential coworker. And for me at least you don't know if there will be certain "noises" that will be exerted during your bathroom stall visit. So what does you/the other person do when the second stall is going/was in use. You either hold it in or wipe and leave. Thus the second bathroom stall is just a switching point for users.
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A Great Photo Of Jamie Lidell
Inside SplitRock Lighthouse
Falls Photo
The past cauple of days crying has been a topic that has come to my mind a cauple of time. It all started by me wondering why kids seem to cry more often than adults do this may be an easy one for you to figure out but there is more to it than that, I'm not talking about a little cry because you stubed your toe but a emotional cry that came from someone hurting your feelings or just a move of compassion that come from the heart towerds someone else. Everyone has had one of these crys and you know when you do there is no anger in this cry but love and compassion. Example a day or two ago I went to the funral of a family member on my mom's side and I sat behind my family with my Grandma. My Mom would tell you this too, her uncle Hoop was crying and because he was crying my mom was crying, why was she crying, because she had campassion & love for her uncle and didn't like to see him in such a way and could feel his pain. Kids are the same way they feed of the energy that you project out to them they only react to the energy that you give off... thats another post though. All it takes is something little for a kid to cry, as we get older it tends to take more and more for us to have a good cry. Why do kids cry easer than us it because they have a soft heart something that adults tend to lose as we get older. The saying real men don't cry is false to the fullest, real men do cry because if you have a emotional cry over something such as just knowing that someone is heading to hell for the rest of there life than you have a soft heart and the only thing that can make a hard heart soft is God. If you have a open heart to Jesus than God can soften your heart and real men have a open heart to Christ and have given there life to him to the fullest. I could go one but I might just need to get back to work talk to you all later.
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Photo Tip (yes I know that I haven't done this in awhile): When your doing a photo story remember & know your market.
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Photo Tip (yes I know that I haven't done this in awhile): When your doing a photo story remember & know your market.
So Long
Duh it's been so long since I last posted I'm so very very sorry. This morning on the way to work I saw that the people next door horses had excaped and were just standing by the lane eating so I came to work some guy said that he was going to put them away so I left thinking that it was taking care of not just leaving thinking I wasn't going to do anything about it. I really just posted to tell you about the thing I added to my sidebar you should be able to see it right now towerds the top well talk to you later ya all.
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Hello all you people out there that I havn't posted for in a long time. I decided to post right now because the whole department is in a meeting and I'm done with the last thing I was doing and am waiting for them to get out for something else to do. So here I am I don't know if you saw but I have a new link on my link sidebar the one on the top I have been posting to that when ever something get's done or happens its for the wedding. So life is good back here I can't wait to get married and can't wait to go back to school and be married there rather than at my parrents house. But until than we will be living at my parents house in the basement where I sleep now I don't really live there just sleep there when I can sleep longer than six hours I love it. Well there back talk to you later.
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Three Down Two More To Go!
Well last Friday I had my first final and did great I thought it was pretty easy and I knew my stuff. Today I had the final that I have been dreading but it was ok I think/hope it's some where around 75% the last two of the four pages I didn't get a question that I didn't know and the rest I think I did okay on that was this morning. I just got back from my third final and I think I aced it there was only one question that I didn't know the rest I didn't even have to think about and it's times like those that you need to be careful so I went back thru and read them all again and checked to see if what I had put down matched, Derek can word things tricky sometimes and he doesn't mean to but it happens. Other than that I have my last speech in the morning and an easy final for Digtal Darkroom II which will be much the same because it's with Derek and I know that class well it's all photoshop stuff and I'm in the top of the class for photoshop knowledge. And than I'm done Wedsnday I pack and move everything that I can out to the car and Thursday I am cleaning the heck out of my room and checking out at 8 or 9 one of the two and checking in as a friend of mines guest Derick. So that way I can leave here at 4:30 in the morning Friday morning.
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Today & Last Night
This weekend went by way to fast but not fast enough at the same time. Saturday I just studyed and talk to Mariah and yesterday mourning well yesterday morning was stupid. So I'm going to church and just left CMC I was trying to get my iPod to work and wasn't paying much attition to the road well I was to the road but not to how fast I was going I hadn't even steped on the gas peddel since I left CMC never do just let the car go down and keep my foot on the break well I wasn't doing to great of a job on the break and went right by a cop. I looked at how fast I was going and looked at the road sign next to me down the road and thought to myself I'm ok I was only going about 9 over and I had to break right before I went around the corner where the cop was. Well a little bit down the road here comes the cop I said to myself crap. So he comes up and does his thing and asked and said you were going about 20 over I was like "What! it's thirty-five" well no i guess it's not he was sitting right at the end of the twenty-five zone and that is where he got me. Stupid police, I was nice about it and let him do is thing and get it over with he put down that I was only doing 19 which I think I was anyways. But this way it's the lowest fine and it doesn't go on my Iowa license but if I ever got a Colorado one it would, I don't know why. So now I'm out 60 bucks and was half an hour late for church all most when I was going to be early errrr. He laughed when he asked me when I was going home and I told him friday he said well here is a going away present. Darn 4 days left and I got a ticket and I never speed but I guess I always have there because I thought it was 35 not 25, theres nothing around at all. Well last night was good I talked to Mariah and studyed for one of the two finals that I have today. Only 3 days and 21 hours left YES! See you all sunday if not saturday.
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The Onion
In my sidebar under links there is a new link that I think you would all enjoy. For the past year I have been reading the onion here at CMC but just yesterday did I start to look for a way to read it at home and that is when I found the web site. I think you all should read just a little bit of it and see what you think.
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P.S. There is something up with the storys see if you can tell what and the ad's too.
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P.S. There is something up with the storys see if you can tell what and the ad's too.
67 Days & 14 Hours
This is really interresting I was typing in to my widget dictionary fiancé and found out that fiancé is a man that is engaged to be married and fiancée is a woman that is engaged to be married. Only one letter and it makes all the diffrence. I don't know if you thought that was cool or if you already knew about it but it was cool to me none the less.
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67 Days & 22 Hours
I'm can't wait for that number to go below 60 than It will be less than two months till Mariah & I are married. Last night was a bummer in a way because I had been waiting for the last lord of the rings to be on TBS and was it NO!!! Friday night the first one was on and Saturday the second one was and last night the third one should have been on but it wasn't I don't know why they just showed the first two again and left me hanging! Darn TBS I shall never watch it again from now on I will only watch monk on USA only one of the best shows ever! Stupid TBS. Nothing much happening here just waiting for school to be over less than three weeks left now like two weeks 4 and a half days o yea. Life is good I finely got back to the point where I could think about something other than Mariah for longer than 5min now I can lasts a whole 7min (unless I'm eating she would call me on this one). Speaking of food wait till you see my last project for Photo-Image Capture II. It's what you would call a Triptych. It's where you use three images to make a concept. I will give you a hint the first image will be a cafeteria worker getting out of his/her car. I will tell you the next one in a couple of days I don't think you will be able to guess what it is until the last one but you can try. Well talk to you all later I have to go to class.
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Macro Baby!
So this morning Mariah called me at like 6:15 and I didn't mind. It was great it was like a Mariah fix a little shot in the arm to get me by for the day. This might just be the key yes I think I will call her tomorrow morning yes that is what I will do. Well enough about my pain, today I had speech this morning and only got a C+ on my last speech, now everybody I talked to after I gave the speech told me that it was great. And now I don't know why I only got a C+ so I think I will go talk to Tal and see why he gave me such a low grade this idea only came to me after talking to my speech buddy's after he gave the grades back they said that that is what I should go do go and talk to him they think it was at least a A-. Well the rest of the day is pretty busy I need to go and get a roll of film from Emile mine wont be here till next week and than I will shoot it and develop it today and try a few prints. But I have a meeting with Derek at 12 for pre reg and than I have to go and pick up the macro lens sometime right after and at 12:30 I have SGA and than I have to pre reg and than I can print in the darkroom. So today should go by pretty fast for now. I will post some shots with the macro lens sometime this week(end but not sure). So until than talk to you all later.
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I don't like it here anymore
It's not as much fun here anymore. I only go thruout my day waiting for 6 o'clock to come around so I can talk to Mariah. I try and keep myself busy but it doesn't help even when I am doing something I still think of her. And it dosent look like it will be going away any time soon eather. I'm so happy that I only have 23 days left here. Tonight is church so that means all the more time that I won't be able to talk to her, thats it she can't go to church nope she has to talk to me yea that is what I will do I will try and stop her from going to church, JK. Yea like that would ever happen and who would I be than? If time would just go faster I think that would help alittle. Well thanks for listing to me ramble on about this. I will talk to you all later.
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Stupid J Key
My J key dosn't work quite right any more in just goes off when ever it want's now. I think I will have to have it fixed when I come home, so if there are random j in my post just know why. From now on I'm not going to delete them so you know how much it goes offjjj. Well so far it's been kinda like I havne't lefjjt and I didn't missjj anything while I was gone, I'm alrady back on track.j jjjjjjjjj jjjj And one less thing to worry about we now have a jphotograherjj and it's only going to cost me one plain ticket from Denver to Des Moinesj. O yeaj! jjjjjj I'm so excited about the wedding all is coming together. Well I don't have much elsej tojjj say soj I wijll talk to you alljj later.
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Back Here Ins The Borings State Of Colorados
It's just not the same here now that I left my heart at home back in Iowas. It makes Colorado feel so empty. Getting on the train was so so very much harder this time than last. I'm so happy that I won't have to ever do that again. O just in case any of you fans of mine out there didn't know, I'm getting married this summer to the love of my life Mariah. One day this June (June 24th for now) should be from what I have heard the greatest day of my life, or just the begining of the best part of my life, the rest of my life. Well talk to you later.
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This is addicting.
Here go to this and wait for the end to come or will it? http://img252.echo.cx/img252/8159/006wo.swf
This Weekend Was Fast.
This weekend went by so fast it was awesome because that makes home all the closer but I didn't get very much homework done. Today I have and HDR assignment due this afternoon and I haven't even shot it. It's a good thing that I can do it fast and just need to shoot a scene that excides the dynamic range of my sensor shoot one shot for the highlights and shoot one for the shadows that in photo shop I can due a merge and it becomes a 48-bit image, just so you know that higher than most screens can display at once. So than I bring it down to 16-bits and print not much work. Than tomorrow morning I have a speech I have to give I have started it just need to finish it after class tonight and later on that day I have a photo restoration project due at the end of class, this on I have started and it won't take me long to finish. Wednesday I have a assignment due in the morning and I still need to shoot for that but it will be easy because I already shoot with this style and if needed I have stuff to bring back from the past to cover my butt. Thursday nothing YES time to rest and take care of my car. Friday some prints due for darkroom and I have the film done. Saturday I get on the train at 12:30 to come home see you all Sunday or Wednesday. This past week I have started running I get up at 6:45 and go run at 7. It’s great and I am running two miles nonstop in about half an hour. Mariah and I are going to have a race when I get home stubborn us well more me than her ok all me. Other than that nothing much going on here just snow and such stuff. I better get going on that assignment if I’m going to have it done by 1:30, talk to you all later.
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Like My Hair?

Yesterday was a fun day spent time in the darkroom and some scanning stuff in. Derick and I got these really cool wigs for yesterday here is a photo that I took with my phone sorry he was leaving and I didn't have time to take one with my real camera. I shot the Phi Theta Kapa(sp?) inductions last night it was great and I got some real experince shooting something where I didn't get to pick and choose what I shot. The light was awfull and I was shooting at like 1/30th handheld! This was at like ISO 800 and it's a really good thing that my camera as IS. But the one thing that I did do was I shoot RAW+JPEG which saved my butt. The JPEGs were just crap and I was able to get something out of the RAW. I will post something later this weekend I'm still working on them and I think I will post the JPEG and the RAW so you can see how much it saved me. Anything like what I shoot indoors will be RAW from now on. Well next Saturday I will be getting on a train in a few hours. I will talk to you all later.
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Ahhh now it's not long at all only like 9 days and 23 hours yea bet that what now ha ha. Yea not sure what that last part was all about, I'm sorry. Life is good here in the big CO, get it it's kinda like the OC but the other way around. Again sorry, I'm not sure what has gotten into me here in the last 5 seconds. I can't wait to come home and spend like two whole weeks with you all some more than others but it will be fun to hang and see you all. I'm so excited my last speech got a B+ heck yea with the A I got on a photo assinment yesterday this has been a good week for me well not for that mid-term that every one of us thinks we failed yea next week will be fun and I just can't wait for the final. I don't know about the rest of you but I can't wait for spring or is it already spring like there in Iowa you know green grass and all last time I was home it was so ugly. We still have about 1-2 feet of snow here I think it will be warmer after spring break. It happend Mariah bet me out in myspace friends o well I'm very seletive on who I let be my friend, at least I have like 32 whoo hoo for me. I'm bored today I think I will go and scan my slides today get that out of the way. O dear what is this there is a dot on my screen darn I better clean that off so I will talk to you all later.
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Little Love Notes Everywhere
I've been listing to this song that was on the last passion CD and I really like it but it wasn't the best that it could be. So I was looking at the iTunes store this morning and found it on a CD that had just come out and it's so much better I love it, the song name is "Knees to the earth". Yesterday was a snow day no one could get up to teach any classes we had about 2 feet of snow on the ground by yesterday morning and it didn't quit until last night. It was AWSOME! What are you all up to, I guess I will see you all soon and stuff though something like 12 days. Mariah is so excited and so am I just that the train isn't all that fun. I don't know why but I was just looking at my thumb and I thought it's so cool that no one has the same finger print as me how cool is that!!! Yea hmmm I wonder what God's finger prints look like. I like to hide little love notes so to say in places where everyone can see them but no one really looks well I'm sure you will now but it's fun Mariah dosen't even catch them all the time. Mmmmmm Fooooood, I think I will go and eat now I want food I didn't eat much this morning so I'm really hungery. I will talk to you all later. O and I can't wait till next week, they will be doing room checks and I hope Kindra says something to my roomy about his side of the room. Other than that I have every thing clean so it will look nice.
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My Towel
One of the biggest problems I had with my roomy last semester was that my roomy used my towels I don't know why but he did. So yesterday I was laying on my bed when my roomy got up and went to take a shower. All of the sudden I realized that I hadn't seen his towel in like two weeks. I thougt this will be fine there is one of mine on the towel rack and I hang mine on the door he's to lazy to reach that far. So I thought I was safe but I still wanted to check. So after he got out of the shower I went in and looked at the towel on the rack and it was dry next I looked at my towel. And what did I find it was wet duh why me? So I put the towel on the towel rack away and moved the one he used of mine on the rack and pulled out a new one. So today I go in there and look only to find that my towel was wet 10 hours after I took a shower. Why why does he have to use my new one now I have to wash all my towels. I will talk to you all later.
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Alex :o
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Alex :o
My Room
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