
Weekend Wait What Weekend

It's Monday!!! This last week - weekend was a very busy one. Filled with great times and long days. Thursday Mariah & I went to the Edgecombs for dinner and so I could take a couple of shots of Elizabeth for them. We had so much fun and the shots of Elizabeth turned out great. Than on Sunday we went to church and it was Faith Factor week so cool and so much fun Brendan ate a cricket heck yea. I think Ryan will have video up from it on the church's website soon when they do you would take a look, I'll try and remember to post when he does. Than that afternoon we went to the park in Adel to meet Mark & Ashley so I could shoot there engagement photos. I haven't taken a look at them yet but will tell you how they look later. It was way different trying to shoot with people together instead of just a kid when all I needed is a great face and some good light for. I will get better at shooting people as I gain more experience. I'm sure that if I were to do it again that I would do it ten times better than before. It was great though we stood around and talked afterwards and had a fun time. I loved it and can't wait to do it again. Well I will post later this week I hope so talk to you than.

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