
The Light

You stand in the dark, why are you there? What is going on that brought you to such a place in the middle of nowhere and why is it so dark here? What is that noise it's all around you, it sounds like something beating a thousand times a second or is it a thousand things beating one time a second that surrounds you. Wait what is that, there is a glimpse of light it's distant but it is there. What is the source of the light everything about it is overwhelming, you must have the light. The light is what you long for, nothing else matters to you but the light. As you try to get to the light your heart beating wild with the love for the light that now has you running faster and faster for nothing, the light is still small and far away to far for you to reach. The sound is overwhelming, you want the light so bad you can taste it on your lips, it's at the end of your finger tips. You try and try but the black moves with you as you try to go to the light. You beat at the dark like it's mulling you. You try to run from it but it stays with you, moves with you. Why can't you get away from it? You just want the light but nothing you do get's you any closer to the light, no matter how hard you try it's out of your reach. You are powerless, nothing you can do will get you to the light. Something no someone grabs you and the ground around is now visible. You can see a path now, it's there and this person is leading you down it towards the light. The light is getting closer it's getting bigger brighter more and more overwhelming. A loud crack and the dark is gone forever behind you. The light is the majestic thing you have ever seen, nothing can compare to the light not silver not gold not any idol. It seeps into you, it runs thru every vain in your body what power what love, you can feel it now. You think to your self, "this had to have been what the person that led me to the light must have felt". You fall to the ground tears dripping down your face soaking the dirt beneath you. You stand up with a new determination, there it is the black you turn to face it's direction led by something new. You start to walk back to it but are now running a deep fast strong desperate run. Into the dark you go thinking, "there are others looking for the light and I must show them the way".

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey hey hey!!! that was cool!!! did u just think of that???