
Today & Last Night

This weekend went by way to fast but not fast enough at the same time. Saturday I just studyed and talk to Mariah and yesterday mourning well yesterday morning was stupid. So I'm going to church and just left CMC I was trying to get my iPod to work and wasn't paying much attition to the road well I was to the road but not to how fast I was going I hadn't even steped on the gas peddel since I left CMC never do just let the car go down and keep my foot on the break well I wasn't doing to great of a job on the break and went right by a cop. I looked at how fast I was going and looked at the road sign next to me down the road and thought to myself I'm ok I was only going about 9 over and I had to break right before I went around the corner where the cop was. Well a little bit down the road here comes the cop I said to myself crap. So he comes up and does his thing and asked and said you were going about 20 over I was like "What! it's thirty-five" well no i guess it's not he was sitting right at the end of the twenty-five zone and that is where he got me. Stupid police, I was nice about it and let him do is thing and get it over with he put down that I was only doing 19 which I think I was anyways. But this way it's the lowest fine and it doesn't go on my Iowa license but if I ever got a Colorado one it would, I don't know why. So now I'm out 60 bucks and was half an hour late for church all most when I was going to be early errrr. He laughed when he asked me when I was going home and I told him friday he said well here is a going away present. Darn 4 days left and I got a ticket and I never speed but I guess I always have there because I thought it was 35 not 25, theres nothing around at all. Well last night was good I talked to Mariah and studyed for one of the two finals that I have today. Only 3 days and 21 hours left YES! See you all sunday if not saturday.

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