
Three Down Two More To Go!

Well last Friday I had my first final and did great I thought it was pretty easy and I knew my stuff. Today I had the final that I have been dreading but it was ok I think/hope it's some where around 75% the last two of the four pages I didn't get a question that I didn't know and the rest I think I did okay on that was this morning. I just got back from my third final and I think I aced it there was only one question that I didn't know the rest I didn't even have to think about and it's times like those that you need to be careful so I went back thru and read them all again and checked to see if what I had put down matched, Derek can word things tricky sometimes and he doesn't mean to but it happens. Other than that I have my last speech in the morning and an easy final for Digtal Darkroom II which will be much the same because it's with Derek and I know that class well it's all photoshop stuff and I'm in the top of the class for photoshop knowledge. And than I'm done Wedsnday I pack and move everything that I can out to the car and Thursday I am cleaning the heck out of my room and checking out at 8 or 9 one of the two and checking in as a friend of mines guest Derick. So that way I can leave here at 4:30 in the morning Friday morning.

Live on bloggers,

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