
I don't like it here anymore

It's not as much fun here anymore. I only go thruout my day waiting for 6 o'clock to come around so I can talk to Mariah. I try and keep myself busy but it doesn't help even when I am doing something I still think of her. And it dosent look like it will be going away any time soon eather. I'm so happy that I only have 23 days left here. Tonight is church so that means all the more time that I won't be able to talk to her, thats it she can't go to church nope she has to talk to me yea that is what I will do I will try and stop her from going to church, JK. Yea like that would ever happen and who would I be than? If time would just go faster I think that would help alittle. Well thanks for listing to me ramble on about this. I will talk to you all later.

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Anonymous said...

Hang in there buddy!

.... said...

You love strucken monkey!!!!!!!