
My Towel

One of the biggest problems I had with my roomy last semester was that my roomy used my towels I don't know why but he did. So yesterday I was laying on my bed when my roomy got up and went to take a shower. All of the sudden I realized that I hadn't seen his towel in like two weeks. I thougt this will be fine there is one of mine on the towel rack and I hang mine on the door he's to lazy to reach that far. So I thought I was safe but I still wanted to check. So after he got out of the shower I went in and looked at the towel on the rack and it was dry next I looked at my towel. And what did I find it was wet duh why me? So I put the towel on the towel rack away and moved the one he used of mine on the rack and pulled out a new one. So today I go in there and look only to find that my towel was wet 10 hours after I took a shower. Why why does he have to use my new one now I have to wash all my towels. I will talk to you all later.

Live on bloggers,
Alex :o


.... said...
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.... said...

First the room and then this, I feel bad for you, if it was me i would end up cleaning up his stuff.

Anonymous said...

O pooky, I wish i could help but i don't want you to find out who i am,
but if i could i would yell at him all day and make him cry.
Bye pooky.