

Ok just from the title you are going "Myspace is for little girls" or not but something along those lines. This week I convinced Mariah to get a Myspace so that I could make her my number one friend. So she did and she already has half as many friends as me and they all asked her. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing the good thing is that my girlfriend has a lot of friends but the bad thing is she has more friends than me and I live in two states! O well it's kinda weird not to be able to look out my window and see as far as I want to because today it's snowing here and has been since last night or longer. I can only see over the edge of our hill and than nothing but white. I really should be working on today's photo assinment but I don't want to and you can't make me. I think my roommate sleeps in the nude and this just might be why he wont get out of bed in front of me. Life is good we might find out who got the RA spots today I'm so excited I hope I get offered one. Part of me is so excited about it and another part well isn't. I guess I really should get ready for the day I will talk to you all later.

Live on bloggers,

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Boohoo Alex, sorry about the snow. It is going to be 50 some today and 60 something tommorrow. Please don't send it our way.