

Wow what a day. First off this morning I got ready to go to church and was going to go and shoot after so I decided I was going to drive. Well my battery was dead I’m not sure why but it was. Next I got in Derek’s car and we decided to listen to my iPod and it died on me. So I had my camera with me and went to take a couple shoots of Derek & Leslie and my cameras battery died. So don’t let me near your batteries or they just might die. Other than that nothing much going on here. O the paster of the church showed that Fed-Ex commercial where the cave man gets stepped on by a dinosaur. I think he just thought it was funny and found a way to work it into the sermon for fun. In other news Layne as agreed to marry Mariah and I (a inner-office joke) o and I guess Sara is going to have another baby (again another inner-office joke, please don’t think I am serious about this one she is not having another baby don’t get me killed). Well I’m going to work on some photos so I will talk to you later.

Live on bloggers,


Alex McGinnis said...

I can't wait to see you!!

Alex McGinnis said...

I can't wait to see you too.

Alex McGinnis said...

Only 20 Days YES!!!

Jeremy T. Brancheau said...

Gag me!!


Anonymous said...

You forgot to tell them getting married is a joke...or is it?

Alex McGinnis said...

(a inner-office joke)<---- I thought that this would do:)