
Speech Time

Today was the day that I gave my latest speech. I thought that I would try and just go off the outline boy am I glad I brought both up with me. The outline lasted about the intro and the first point and than I said to myself forget that and went off the entire speech. Things got much better from than on and I actually made more eye contact who would of thought. O well I’ll do better next time and I will never try to use an outline again. Wow my roommate just closed the window that I had to open when I got back from class because of the stench that was in the air and I have 4 yea 4 air-fresheners in here. I was just about to go off on him but decided to write about it in order to calm my self down. I think next time he leaves the room I will take some photos of his side and than mine so you can see what I’m talking about. And I think when I see Kindra today I’m going to talk to her about how to deal with him because things are getting worse. I’ve been so busy this week I’m sorry I haven’t posted that much. Now all I have left is to finish this RA essay and stuff for darkroom today. Other than that I might do a little printing for Digital Darkroom were doing toning like making your photos look like warm tone paper or cool tone paper it’s kinda cool I had to do 5 different tones of one photo I did one of Mackenzie so Sara you can have one of them when I get home. I did blue, red, green, purple and one thats supposed to look like a sepia tone or worm tone paper. I might post them but it’s hard to see it on screen because I had to keep in mind how the printer will make it look. Well I will talk to you later.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alex- You are awesome!

Less then a month until our trip :)