
I Don't Know What To Put Here Today

It’s my B-Day today, it’s about time all I want is for it to me march and now it’s here YES!!! Now I only have three weeks till I come home on break another YES!!! So this morning Mariah called me at 6:45 a whole 15 min. before the alarm was supposed to go off. She called so she could beat anyone to telling me happy birthday. It’s been a long time since my last post I’ve been so busy with school this RA thing to day is my interview and making plans;) O I have to buy my train tickets today. I’m done with classes today nothing much else to do. I will tell you how the interview goes later. I was playing x-box with Derek last night and I killed over 200 bad guys. James Bond rocks well not in the game than I just kill him a lot just because he ran into my bombs a lot while he was trying to steal my flag doesn’t mean I’m a bad guy. Well maybe because I was aiming at him makes me a bad guy but he was doing the same. Chase and Sean called me last night to see if I wanted to go on a round with them I said sure and meet them down stairs. Well they deiced to do a out-side round, it’s like 11 o’clock at night and freezing cold. By the time we got back inside I thought my fingers were going to fall off or anything for that matter. I only had a t-shirt on. Well I don’t have anything else to say so I will talk to you later.

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Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Alex! I don't have your e-mail address or I would haev e-mailed you earlier. I hope you have a wonderful day!

Mrs Edgey said...

Happy Birthday to you.... happy birthday to you.... happy birthday dear Alex... happy birthday to you.