
Home, For Now

So I'm home now and it's good thing to be here. Nothing much going on here just been working and spending time with Mariah. Other than that not doing much. What are you all doing? Getting ready for Christmas? It's been so long scence the last time that I wrote on here. So I thougth that I would give you a up date. And tell you what was up with me. So here you are this is what is going on with me. See you all later.

Live on bloggers,


Look At This

I have put a new link on my sidebar at the bottom of the links this is to one of my photography professors. You can take a look at them they are really cool. And if you want you can read about how he makes his prints it's more than the average print. It took a long time for me to find this he didn't want us to see it yet so I had to look forever to try and find it. So take a look.

Live on bloggers,


4 Days And 8 Hours

I only got four days and eight hours left till I am home so not long to go at all. Got finals today two of them both will be easy. Nothing to do Tuesday and two more finals on Wedsday and than only one on Thursday. I will be leaving here on Friday at about 5-6ish in the morning I figure that I can drive in the dark better early in the morning than I can at night. So I will get home Friday night at about 8-9ish. It will be fun coming home but I will miss the friends that I have made here and the printers gosh I will miss those printers. I think this winter I am going to do a little project on ice for my own work. Well I will see you all Sunday if not Saturday.

Photo Tip Of The Day: I don't know if I did this one yet but here is goes anyway, When you are taking a photo of the snow you have to spot meter the snow and over expose it by two full stops. Other wise it will be grey.

Live on bloggers,



Well my day is going well so far. Just got back from english class and it was okay. Just got done reading The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe. I have to say that it is a good book but it could be so much more. It’s like he spent so much time setting it all up and than all of the sudden it ends. He spent a whole one page on the battle scene. When he could of wrote a chapter on it. I now know why my english instructor gets so irritated with me for not writing enough, it leaves you hanging and not really knowing what happened. I am starting to get frustrated with my-self in my photography. I want to reach the next level. We all got it down now how to make a simple well thought thru photo but I want to go further than that I want to be more creative in my work. I’m not sure how yet but I will most likely try to do that over break, just try to break out of the box. Well I will see you all soon.

Live on bloggers,

Photo Tip for the day: Take time with a photo, work with it, play with the subject and think it all the way thru.


In Class Why Do I always Post While I Am In Class

Why o why do I post while I am in class? It snowed here last night we got about 4in and it's only supposed to snow more tonight. Well how is your day going my is good so far. I'm so bored and I have nothing to do so I will just babble on for awhile but it seems that when I babble on I get my self in to trouble. So l don't think I will do that no I won't. I have about half an hour before I get my last print and than I will have nothing to do at all. This week will be fun I just have to write one more paper which is due the week after next. And I just have to finish one assiment for photo. So it should be a quick weekend. And next weekend It will be fun just getting ready for finals and than I get to come home, YES! That will be fun making money having fun doing nothing. Yes this will be fun. Well I think I will just find something to do talk to you all later bye.

Live on bloggers,


Good Morning Who Ever You Are?

Well last night was fun I had spent quite some time trying to get stuff ready for the RHA meeting and we never even went over it! Today is my Mom’s surgery on her knee again this time the other one. So pray for her, at the time I am writing this they are leaving the house. I am so excited I got Christmas lights last night and hung them in my room. They look so cool. I want more now, it really gets you in the Christmas mood. This morning I have a paper due and thought I would need to do a lot of work on it but no, when I went to open the document I found more there than I thought I had. I said “Yes” with excitement I only had to do the work cited page and I was done. Well I think I will read a little before I go to class talk to you all soon.
Live on bloggers,


Back For Now

Well this last weekend was the best I have had in a long time. I got to hang out with my family and eat so much good food it was great. The best part I would have to say was seeing Mariah even though we were stuck in Earlham with a car that wouldn’t start yea that was fun, but it’s all good. And we got the talk, you all know what the talk is. It was rather fun and we got free food. Taking pictures of L&S&K was not all that fun. I set it all up and got it ready and I swear they all wanted to torment me. Well not really Layne and Sara buy more like conner and yea conner. But it was okay in the end I just keep thinking this was wasting my time that I could spend with Mariah and having fun, duh. Well next time I will know what to do better so that it all goes faster and more smoothly. Over all it was a great Thanksgiving. See you soon and talk to you all sooner.

Live on bloggers,
Alex McGinnis

Photo tip for the day: Let us see who you are in the photo.


Not Long Now

It's not long now I only have about 3 hours left til the train leaves. And than it's only 17 hours to home. Well last night I was up til around 1:30 playing risk again. I lost again I really need to get better at that game. There is a new link to a photographer that I like so you can take a look if you want.

Photo tip for the day: Ahhhhh the power of Dodge and Burn.

Live on bloggers,


Little Men of Glory

Last night I was up playing Risk till 1:30 in the morning. I and seven others started the game at about 8:30. It was a long and hard game. I had to go a meeting at nine so some one stepped in for me. I was only gone for about 15min. and the face of the game had changed. I had lost my hold in Asia and had lost over half my men. Not only that but my forces had not grown at the same rate as others. While they had about 30 men I myself only had 12. Well I couldn’t let this happen. Three turns later I had America, that means 5 extra men a turn. And I was able to turn in that meant that I could get 30 men. The game was only begging and there was much work to be done. Three hours later I was down to my last country with one guy left. Two teams had teamed up against me. And the third was about to take his turn. I took out seven of his guys but it had to end some day. If I could of only made it thru all 43 of his guys I could of turned in and got 55 guys. But no he could not let me live. He attacks and my die falls to the table. Bounce bounce they come to a stop. What are they it looks yes it looks like a six. I jump up and shout YES! It’s not good to stand up and yell when you are playing with RA’s at one in the morning. I sat back down only to roll the die and fall to the way side. The rest of the game went fast they had lost a lot of men taking me out. But they all had turn-ins. Shane the one that took me out won in the end. Well good game you all. So any way what’s up with you all. What are you all doing for Thanksgiving? See you soon.

Photo tip of the day: Capture a moment.

Live one bloggers,


The Sky Is Falling

It’s not long now till I get to come home for a brief period of time. It will be a fun time. I will have my prints with me and all my work this far. Not to forget my camera that would just be stupid. It comes with me everywhere. It’s the one part of my outfit that never changes. It is there when no one else is. It never leaves my side. We are one. I have learned more about my camera than I know about most of the people in my life. May we never part ways (until a better one comes out that I can buy). So coming home will be a lot of fun. I have decided to make kinda like a documentary out of my journey back home. I have a project on tourism and I think I will focus on the train ride to and from the valley. Has anyone had mocha that was banana flavored? It’s quite good you should try it. Time is short why waste it. I leave here in four day’s now and get home in five, fun fun. To watch as the clouds reach down from the sky to touch the ground is to behold a leap into fate it’s self. Well I will talk to you all soon.
Photo tip of the day: Remember it’s not what is there to take a photo of, but how you take a photo of what is there.
Live on bloggers,


In class again

So here I am in class and have nothing to so but just sit here and look busy. What shall I do, what shall I do? Well, Well so what has be going on with you? No one leaves comments on my blog anymore. Whats up with that? Please talk don't just sit there and do nothing leave something. I know you all have something to say so say it. I am said now please leave something. Well still sitting here doing noing. I can't wait till Thanksgiving, it will be so much fun. Only a week now not long at all. I leave here in less than a week so that will be cool. I can't wait to ride the train.


How Could It Be?

So I went to my SGA meeting ooo about an hour ago. And Rene was tired of being secretary so some how I am now the new SGA secretary. So now I am in charge of the Slip and Die/Human Bowling and now I have to do this. Well at least T&T is done after tonight so I will have more time. You know how people at CFC always say that the same people do everything around there. Well it’s the same thing here.

Have fun just don't pee on the side of a bulding.

Photo Tip Of The Day: If it has to much contrast wait tell you have better light, early in the morning or later at night.

Live On Bloggers,


Just to let you all know I don't even know what I was thinking. I was in my english class and was bored out of my mind. I had just played two games of solitaire and had nothing else to do so I started to write and decide that I would post it. And no the teacher was not I repeat not in the room we had open lab time and she was conferencing with other students.

Just me in english class having nothing to do

This is just to let you all know that I am at the laibary and doing nothing just so you all can know that I want to do nothing and by nothing I mean nothing nothing you hear can you hear me can you can you come on let me know that you can hear me and giv me a shout out let me hear you come on I can’t hear you now yell do it you know that you want to so go ahead and do it come on do it sports is a stuped waste of my time and I don’t want to watch it so you can’t make me no you can’t no never not for the rest of my life nope you can’t give me a try try and make me watch sports well you can’t nope you can’t no never never never never the girl next to me has weird hair and it’s all over her head and the guy on the other side of the room is a even bigger weirdooo yes he is yes you can’t chang my mind no not ever his hat is so ugly I can’t stand him he is a jerk. Yea I don’t like him I just can’t stand him I wish he would just stay away we used to be friends but now he has a girlfriend and is never around he needs to come and hang out with us but he won’t cause he wants to spend as much time has he can alone with her but I think it will never last never gerr so he and her will just end up getting hert and he needs to spend time with us and her too but the don’t want to why do people wisper around dead people it’s not like they can hear them are they talking about them and don’t want them to hear them mabey its bad to talk about a dead person who knows I think it not a big deal but for some reason people are really quite and don’t talk loud around dead people can you tell me cause I don’t know and there is no way to find out how so I don’t know why I asked you to tell me and why do people have to yell at partys it’s not like if you aren’t laud they wont listen to you it just makes you lose your voice why am I writing about yelling at a party I don’t even party so what are you doing to day I don’t know what I am doing well I guess I better get back to class talk to you later.


Just to let you all know I have turned on comment moderation on my blog. This means that all comments have to go thru me before they go on the blog. So you only have to enter a comment once and when I check my email I will decide. So don’t be alarmed if it’s not there right away. Well my weekend went well. I was at NCU for a conference. It was a blast we all got to hang out and do like nothing so it was a whole lot of fun. Just so you know it was for RHA. Got back Sunday and did stuff for class today. It’s been snowing here for like ever now and it’s not fun to go from building to building. Well I will post some more tomorrow. Live On Bloggers!

Photo Tip For The Day: Fully explore a subject don't just take snap shots.

Talk to you later,

What Do You Want Me To Do?

K, to my stocker you should not even know who Jessica is and than how can you know who her husband is? Some of the comments are getting out of hand and I would like to know what you all want me to do. One of the things I can do is Make it so that only people who are registered can leave a comment. But I don't really want to do that cause than that would cut a lot of people of that I would like to see what they have to say. Or if there is a way that I can delete comments I would like to know. Or, I could just leave it how it is. So go ahead and tell me what you think I should do. I will post something new after class today.

Photo Tip: I'll tell you later.

See ya later,


Borders, What?

Once while I was in college I went to a forum to talk about academic issues in-between students and faculty. The night started out on a good track and all was going as planed. Students were bringing up key issues and everyone was getting along. But soon there were a few that started to just complain about a things in the res hall life. Before long it was out of hand the students were almost yelling.

One of the main things I kept hearing was “they took this away from me”. They did this, they did that, meaning the RA’s. But what they fail to understand is that these guide lines are there to help us not to prevent us from having fun. When you cross the line, the borders so to say. It’s not there fault that you have to go thru the punishment, it’s yours. You knew that the line was there, you knew what was going to happen if you crossed it, than why is it there fault that you have to pay for what you did?

I will tell you why I believe this is the way that so many of our nations youth think this way. It’s cause our parents never thought us how to work inside the borders that were set up for us. Most likely because they never set them up for us. How can we know how to stay inside of what has been lad out for us if we didn’t ever have them to begin with?

If we are to grow up and live in a world of laws and rules than we must have them from the beginning. We must have parents and not best friends. Parents must lay down the law and set up some guide lines or we will go into this world and not have a clue how to live in it.

This is one of my english papers and I have great parents.
This is also my first draft so don't make fun, but if you have a good suggestion go ahead and leave a comment.

O, and this whole thing with you all is getting out of hand. But at the same time it is entertaining.

Tip of the day: You pay for the glass therefor buy good glass.

Talk to you later,


No Clue

Thanks to the latest comment on my blog I now have no clue who this person is. But it might be more than one person. I am so confused and have become far to involved with it. I wish I knew, I wish this person would give me a clue of some sort has to who they are. Someday I will find out and than it will all be clear to me.

Tip for the day: Add tension to your photos it makes for a more interesting photo.

See ya later,


Snow, What Else Is There To Say?

Well it snowed last night sometime in-between 4-8 this morning. Both times I was awake. Last night was super fun we play capture the flag. The game started out in the wood'’s right next to campus. Very rocky very uneven it was a surprise no one got hurt. So before we could finish the game the two leaders deiced we needed to go to the soccer fields. Much better than rock is the great flat green grass. We only use one of the soccer fields, how they run back and forth on that I don't know. We start off with one win in under 5min. It was fun, next we get it in 4 even better. Green team demands a side switch, we had no problems with that we could still kick there butt'’s. The game starts, two other's and I stay back laying in the grass no one can see us we have our glow-sticks to out back side. We capture 5 of there players right of the bat. 5min. go by than 10min. go by. At this point what is left reconvene to deiced what to do. The green team makes a run for it we had no warning they free all the prisoners. At this point I will leave out the really cool wipe out I did. We come back together only to here our team mates cry out for us to come get them. It'’s done one of our fastest runner's is to go. Five minuets later we here a cry coming from there side. The two of us left decide to both go. Steve takes of running at that exact moment someone from the green side takes off for our side I decide to make a quick cut off. It go'’s off with out a hitch he ran back to there side. But me being the only one left they all decide to come at me well I just circle the flag no one make'’s a move they just walk around. It hit's me they don'’t know where it is. So they all leave back for there side. I turn around to see Jamie walking back she is still in the game I wondered. Well this is great, I take off one of my two glow-sticks and throw it about twenty feet from the flag. We start to walk towards the line me further towards the side line. They spot here and I make a run for it some how I make it touching all my teammates. But they don'’t move none of them I just look at them nothing. I notice that Chase of the green team is saying that I had quit. I was like what are you talking about. Any way at had been raining for awhile and we all deiced to go back and drink some hot chocolate. The night was long and hard but alot of fun. I will talk to you all later.

My tip of the day: Don't put eveything in the middle of the picture it's so boring use the rule of thirds.

Talk to you later,


A Musical?

Today is a good day so far nothing much has happened and I donÂ?t have anything due. During breakfast this morning we has some very interesting conversationÂ?s. One of them was if life was like a musical and every time that someone had an intense moment they just broke out in song and everybody joined in. Freeways would get jammed because something happened that made someone mad and they just started singing and dancing. They world would be so much fun and nothing bad would ever happen because instead of fighting you would work thingÂ?s out in a musical sort of way. And nothing bad ever happens in a musical. But the part that I think is the best is that when it got over everybody just went about there life like nothing ever happened.

My hint of the day: Always take the lens cap of before you take the photo.


It's About Time

O d d dd ddd dear. Wow it seems like it's been forever since that last time I posted something. Just to let you know there are two new photo's on my site (one of them I hate try and see if you can see which on) so you can go ahead and take a look at those. As for me my weekend went good got a lot done had a silly string fight at a friend's B-Day party. If I had only more time in the day all would be good. Glowstick's Glowstick's Glowstick's. I can't wait to come home why am I always tired on Tuesday? To day I have English class that should be fun and later I have TandT buy I only have three more classes and the next two I have to be at so I think I will skip out on this one and my math class has been canceled today so over all it is a good day. I got my train ticket yesterday so now I am already to come home for thanksgiving. And than back again for 2 and 1/2 weeks and than home again for a month. How many times can you drop a phone before it breaks? Just so you all know if you don't I will be at church the wedsday before thanksgiving.
So I will leave you with a photo tip, (Yes I know this is like what Ryan and Jeremy do but I have more to offer)
When in doubt bracket.


It only took me two days

But now I can write. So anyway next he was talking to a girl and he got done and before he even picked up the next pice of paper he said is there an Al or Alexander in the room and I was like o nooo. The guy behind me says there's and Al and I was like YES. Well next he asks him if his last name started with a M he's like no and I'm like darn. So I let a couple of seconds go by hoping that someone will say something but no. So I say there's an Alexander and he's like does you last name start with an M am like a yea. So he's like it's something like Mcg Mcgin o McGinnis isn't it I was like yep it is. Next he's like your first number is a 3 right I was like yea. Next he's like the next one is a 6 no a 5 o duh 3 5 7. Now remember no one sail what I put down on that paper. So he goes on and tells me that there is something wrong with my car and that I need to get it checked out. I told him I hate him. Well after the show he told me he was just giving me crap and I told him that I didn't believe him and to live in fear he like not living at all. So that was my whole experience with him. It was cool but I really wanted him to tell me why Art is a vegetarian, but no could he tell me that no.



I'm so very sorry that I haven't got back to writing. But I can't do it right now so go ahead and check back with me later tonight or tomroww morning. Thanks Alex.



Last night was a fun night there was a mentelist here so I went to that show. So I was setting there last night with the group of friends that I always hang with. The show starts it was good at first you know the simple stuff. Him guessing a word that some one has chosen out of a book stuff like that. Next he moves on to guessing random things that one of the girls has pulled out of the room from people. That he had given to a friend that had helped him set up. He had recorded this tape last night in Chicago and on the tape it told us exatley what the person who had guessed his number that he had worth down on a piece of paper before he had us all pick a number and sit down when he eliminate our range. Next he blind folded him self with ducked tape and cloth. He had us all write down on a piece of paper our name something to do with numbers something about our selves and some question that we wanted answered. He than had a girl take all the paper and put them in a bowl. Next he pulled out random paper from the bowl. He crumpled them up in his hand. And if he got a "read" of one of them he would pick the initials and talk to the person with those inthanils and say there name and say what they wrote down on the paper. Hey got to go to class will be back about 12 check back after then to hear the rest just to let you know I come in to this soon.


Mid-Terms, how else can I put it?

There’s just no way else to put it but mid-terms. Yea I got them today in both of my classes but all will be good. Nothing much has happened of interest to you all so I’ll just tell you of my weekend. I now have Photoshop CS2 on my computer so it helps me get stuff done sooner. I wont tell you how I got it but I got it (wink wink). Friday was very uneventful so there’s nothing to tell you there so I’ll go to Saturday. Saturday I got up at 5AM to call Mariah to make sure she was awake on time. Well I thought that since I was up why not go shoot. So I did and I took Derick along with me. It was easy shooting my exposures came out great on all of them. You can see some of the leaf photos that I took that morning on my photo site. We get back and Derick wants to go again I say how about in the morning. What's he say sounds great. So the next morning we get up at 5AM again and go shoot for some reason it seemed a lot colder than the morning before. Again easy shooting, it was fun. Went to church where the music is loud and eat at Derick’s house. Came back here and got to work on the rest of my photos. Talked to Mariah and the day was done. Well that was my weekend, I hope that you all had a good one. Peace out!


My Day

Thanks to the person who was posting weird things on my site (I knew who it was). Well my days here keep going by faster and faster. It's only 35 days till I get to come home for Thanksgiving, I can't wait. It will be so much fun I can bring my photos home and see everybody it will be fun. This week has been good to me nothing much has happened and therefore I have got a lot of homework done. Well last night I was feeling like I was getting sick and went to bed with a bucket next to me, but this morning I felt much better, woohoo for me. Today I got some classes to go to but they wont be long besides there photo classes so time will go by fast. Today's weather is brought to you by, yes you guessed it the monkeys selling crackers down on the corner of 6th and main. Today's high will be 54? And raining. Well I hope you all have a good day, write to you soon. O and the fact that I am not watching TV also gives me a lot of time.



To the person who is posting the weird comments on my site: Please Stop! This is a very weird thing to have happen so soon after eveybody finds out about my newest adventure in life, it's kinda awkward. Besides what kind of weird sicko post things like that on someones site. I now shut my blinds while I sleep so that you my not have the oppurtunity to look through my windows and watch me while I am a sleep. It's also become a problem for me to walk accros camposs I am in constant fear of having my photo taking from a distance or of you jumping out at me from behind a bush of some sort this is espcially ture at night! For instance last night while I was walking to my car I thought I heard someone walking behind me. The jingling of keys and change was very noticeable. Before long I was in full sprint towrds my car. Just so you know when you are running from someone towrds your car you should try and get your keys out on the way to the car because once you get to the car it takes to long to snache them from your pocket. Only once I was safely in my car I was able to see that it was just a friend of mine that was on his way to his car. So please stop for I am starting to get paranoid. Thank You.


A Goodnight Sleep

Well last night I got a good sleep, it was so good and I mean good. I has a good talk with my parents last night. I had some news to tell them I think it went over good. Other than that I am going to be helping out with the RA conference this weekend. It should be fun I get to attend everything I want to.


Puke and a Fire

Last night was one of the longest nights in my life and I just thought that I should share it with you so that you might petty me. Late last night I was watching the keynote speech from this weeks announcement o say around 12:30AM. When I finely get ready to go to bed. I am just about to fall asleep when my roommate comes in the door. I just lay there not really caring until I notice that there are 4 other people carering him in thru the door and on to the bed. I than turn around to find him so drunk that he cant even walk. They go to work they first take of his shirt and next get the trash can. It’s funny watching drunk people take care of other drunk people. Not to long after they get the trash can I hear the sound of splashing in the bucket, yes it is what you think PUKE! Not once but twice. The others are still in the room helping him throw up in the bucket. About 2 o’clock they head for the door only to hear a sound coming from the hallway. They open the door and yes the fire alarm is going off. They head out into the hallway, I jump out of bed and grab my nearest shirt. They come back in and I say that we need to get Eric and head outside. They say he is not going anywhere. I tell them that one of them needs to stay here with him then one of the girls says that she will do it. I head for the door. Downstairs and outside we all go the entire dorm of people standing outside in 20 degree weather. This cares on tell about 3:30AM mind you that I have not slept at all. We get word that we can head back to our rooms. This morning I wake to find a note under my door saying that Eric has to meet with Abbie. Just so you know this is not good at all. Eric is still asleep and I am running on 3 hours of sleep. So that was my night I hope that you all had a good night sleep. I really need to clean that bucket out.


Some of my photos

Hey what's up all you out there. These are some of my most recent photos.