
It only took me two days

But now I can write. So anyway next he was talking to a girl and he got done and before he even picked up the next pice of paper he said is there an Al or Alexander in the room and I was like o nooo. The guy behind me says there's and Al and I was like YES. Well next he asks him if his last name started with a M he's like no and I'm like darn. So I let a couple of seconds go by hoping that someone will say something but no. So I say there's an Alexander and he's like does you last name start with an M am like a yea. So he's like it's something like Mcg Mcgin o McGinnis isn't it I was like yep it is. Next he's like your first number is a 3 right I was like yea. Next he's like the next one is a 6 no a 5 o duh 3 5 7. Now remember no one sail what I put down on that paper. So he goes on and tells me that there is something wrong with my car and that I need to get it checked out. I told him I hate him. Well after the show he told me he was just giving me crap and I told him that I didn't believe him and to live in fear he like not living at all. So that was my whole experience with him. It was cool but I really wanted him to tell me why Art is a vegetarian, but no could he tell me that no.

1 comment:

Jeremy T. Brancheau said...


You are aware that I am NOT your secret admirer. mariah told me that Conner said I was but I can assure you that if I was, Conner would not be the person that I express it to. I think its conner