
The Sky Is Falling

It’s not long now till I get to come home for a brief period of time. It will be a fun time. I will have my prints with me and all my work this far. Not to forget my camera that would just be stupid. It comes with me everywhere. It’s the one part of my outfit that never changes. It is there when no one else is. It never leaves my side. We are one. I have learned more about my camera than I know about most of the people in my life. May we never part ways (until a better one comes out that I can buy). So coming home will be a lot of fun. I have decided to make kinda like a documentary out of my journey back home. I have a project on tourism and I think I will focus on the train ride to and from the valley. Has anyone had mocha that was banana flavored? It’s quite good you should try it. Time is short why waste it. I leave here in four day’s now and get home in five, fun fun. To watch as the clouds reach down from the sky to touch the ground is to behold a leap into fate it’s self. Well I will talk to you all soon.
Photo tip of the day: Remember it’s not what is there to take a photo of, but how you take a photo of what is there.
Live on bloggers,


Jeremy T. Brancheau said...

The fate comment was very deep


Anonymous said...

OK Alex, I consider myself a pretty analytical thinker but...

To watch as the clouds reach down from the sky to touch the ground is to behold a leap into fate it’s self.

I don't get this one!

I can't wait to see you friend!