

Well my day is going well so far. Just got back from english class and it was okay. Just got done reading The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe. I have to say that it is a good book but it could be so much more. It’s like he spent so much time setting it all up and than all of the sudden it ends. He spent a whole one page on the battle scene. When he could of wrote a chapter on it. I now know why my english instructor gets so irritated with me for not writing enough, it leaves you hanging and not really knowing what happened. I am starting to get frustrated with my-self in my photography. I want to reach the next level. We all got it down now how to make a simple well thought thru photo but I want to go further than that I want to be more creative in my work. I’m not sure how yet but I will most likely try to do that over break, just try to break out of the box. Well I will see you all soon.

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Photo Tip for the day: Take time with a photo, work with it, play with the subject and think it all the way thru.

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