
4 Days And 8 Hours

I only got four days and eight hours left till I am home so not long to go at all. Got finals today two of them both will be easy. Nothing to do Tuesday and two more finals on Wedsday and than only one on Thursday. I will be leaving here on Friday at about 5-6ish in the morning I figure that I can drive in the dark better early in the morning than I can at night. So I will get home Friday night at about 8-9ish. It will be fun coming home but I will miss the friends that I have made here and the printers gosh I will miss those printers. I think this winter I am going to do a little project on ice for my own work. Well I will see you all Sunday if not Saturday.

Photo Tip Of The Day: I don't know if I did this one yet but here is goes anyway, When you are taking a photo of the snow you have to spot meter the snow and over expose it by two full stops. Other wise it will be grey.

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1 comment:

Alex McGinnis said...

I'm excited for you to come home!!!