
Away From Home, Whats New?

Well here I am again back at college and nothing new is gonig on. All my classes have been short so far and I have only got easy assiments. This year I will be taking Speech for my Gen. Ed. class. And for photography Digtal Darkroom II, Photo Image-Capture II, Percpethion II and Wet Darkroom (Film). So that is what is going on with me here at college. Nothing much new but a lot at the same time. It will be great to be able to learn again something that I like rather than putting files where they need to go. I would have posted sooner but my internet in my room is still not working. I really don't have much to do this weekend Mariah is at her dad's so she will be busy and I really don't have to spend that much time on assiments. So nothing much to do this weekend. Well I hope you all have fun this weekend. Write to you soon.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pooky your back,

You hear that every buddy my boy friend is back so watch out( ) is back.