
My New Roomy

Well There isn't much to say about him. His name is Jesse and I thought going into this that I had in the past had good luck with jesses and that this would be much the same. Boy was I wrong this has been one big nightmere. First off he uses the floor for his clothes and just let's his stuff be all over the room. And I know you all are thinking well at least the ones that have seen my room at home that I am the same way but I am a lot cleaner here where I spend a lot of time in my room working on stuff for classes. Here I make my bed just right and have my desk clean and all my stuff in my closet or put away under my bed. So not having a roommate that is the same way. So what I want to do is get my own room by my-self. I have been working with my dad on this one and it's looking like I will be able to do it YES!!! Yea I don't like him if you didn't get that I really didn't like him and wanted to kick him out of the room last night because I was trying to get stuff ready for speech class this morning and he was playing his music loud and clicking on his mouse non-stop. I was going to go crazy ahhhhhhhh, O well all will be better soon. Did I tell you that he smells and he makes the room smell? So that is what is going on with me lately nothing much just roommate stuff. I have noticed that my stalker is back but what dosn't make sense to me is that he/she makes it sound like he/she is here but nobody knows about my blog here in colorado. And Ryan has found out that they are from Iawa. O and my roomate is still a sleep and it's 10:30.

Live on bloggers,


Anonymous said...

Alex, I am sorry for the roomy trouble, hopefully you can get your own room. But.. just because he was still sleeping at 10:30 this morning, doesn't make him a bad person. :) I woke up a little before 10 today. Which for the record I have been getting up earlier, but today Trevor slept in and didn't wake me up until then. :) Have a great day Alex!! :)

Mrs Edgey said...

Been there, done that. Girls are sometimes worse. And I have to agree with Jess about the sleeping in thing.... : )
Oh, and if you like to play scrabble -

Be blessed and take a picture it lasts longer.