

Coming up here in March I will be going to DC for a conference called ASACC (American Student Association of Community Colleges) There will be about 4 to 5 of us from student government going our president is the vice president of the ASACC leadership team and if you didn’t know I am the secretary of SGA here at CMC. So anyways Nancy G. the dean of this campus said that she would match any funds that we could raise up to &1,000 yea how cool is that. But it will still take about another 3,000 to go for all of us. So our Fundraiser is going to be a bowl-a-thon coming up here at the end of February. There will be about 20 of us bowling and each of us need to get sponsors. Either by the pin or even if people want to per strike (like I will ever get a strike) who knows I might be able to get a spare. So anyways again, this is just to get you all thinking about if you would like to help me and just so you know last time I bowled a couple of days ago I only got a 84 out of three games yea not that good. So if my goal is to get $150-$200 in sponsorships than I will need all the help I can get. I will give you more details later once we have everything finalized. Well you all have a good day my internet is back up in my room so I will be posting more now. O and did I ever tell you about one of my photo professors? Well a car hit him last week and he is going home today but had a broken leg arm and some ribs is car is just gone and I saw is camera it’s just pieces so is his powerbook. A girl spun out and came across the median in her jeep and hit him at just the right angle that the engine block was setting in the passengers seat. He really is lucky to still be leaving. It will be a couple of weeks before he can come back to work witch really sucks cause now they have to fill in for him and Buck who is in charge of the program has no idea where we are. So it should be fun o and the girl was drunk too and he was just on his way home from here yea sucks big time and his wife is due to have her baby in 4 weeks talk about a bad time. So I will talk to you later.

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