
No Clue

Thanks to the latest comment on my blog I now have no clue who this person is. But it might be more than one person. I am so confused and have become far to involved with it. I wish I knew, I wish this person would give me a clue of some sort has to who they are. Someday I will find out and than it will all be clear to me.

Tip for the day: Add tension to your photos it makes for a more interesting photo.

See ya later,


Anonymous said...

Sorry I was trying to help :)

See you "tomorrow"

Anonymous said...

HAY!!! who posted those last two comments who are you, hottttt pants is all mine so BUZZ OFF!!! and i am the one and only one for him,and hotttt stuff who is this sara? you are mine and mine only and i will hert anyone who tries to stop me and you being to gether!!! GOT IT!!! GOOD boy or should i say BAD BOY.

Bye bye lover boy.

my name is, my name is,my name is,my name is,my name is,my name is,

until next time!!!

Jeremy T. Brancheau said...


I have to give you props on keeping quiet. Good job. You kind of freak everyone out and I am pretty sure that you are around here and are playing dumb so that when people ask you if you are "anonymous" you can act like you have no idea what we are talking about. If Alex is so hott and you are watching him then post a recent picture of him. And Alex is mine!!

Anonymous said...

First off all i must say thank you to jeremay and jessica.
And second of all i must say FREAKY!!! not freaky just in love.
And stay away from my love when he go's back to boring IOWA i do not need any bad affects on him he's already mister perfect.
and the reason i can not post a picture is because i would have to take one first, and i am not very sneaky.

If anyone tries to from me and ALEX from being together there will be price to pay.

For mister perfect.
What kind of computers do you like
MAC or PC.

Anonymous said...

Ok this has got to stop,mariah,jeremy.

And they really don't who you are you are a real MAC person of coures.

Jeremy T. Brancheau said...

Conner I think you are the Anonymous

Anonymous said...

Really if i am the stalker how is't that doing school whenever the stalker types so HA!
so it can't be me.

Anonymous said...

Sorry i hit anonymous ansted of other

Anonymous said...

I can vouch for Conner. He is not the stalker. He doesn't talk like that and he was not on the computer during the time that these comments were posted. I think that the person who is saying these things is Jeremy. You are the only person I know who really uses the word HOTTY. Oh and props to you for miss spelling your own name. Your good. I must admit that reading these comments has taken a regular spot on my daily schedule. Wow, I have got to get some more things going on.

Jeremy T. Brancheau said...

I can assure everyone on all that is good that I am not the salker. I pinky swear that I am not. If I could use anyother expression to explain how honest I am being I would