
Borders, What?

Once while I was in college I went to a forum to talk about academic issues in-between students and faculty. The night started out on a good track and all was going as planed. Students were bringing up key issues and everyone was getting along. But soon there were a few that started to just complain about a things in the res hall life. Before long it was out of hand the students were almost yelling.

One of the main things I kept hearing was “they took this away from me”. They did this, they did that, meaning the RA’s. But what they fail to understand is that these guide lines are there to help us not to prevent us from having fun. When you cross the line, the borders so to say. It’s not there fault that you have to go thru the punishment, it’s yours. You knew that the line was there, you knew what was going to happen if you crossed it, than why is it there fault that you have to pay for what you did?

I will tell you why I believe this is the way that so many of our nations youth think this way. It’s cause our parents never thought us how to work inside the borders that were set up for us. Most likely because they never set them up for us. How can we know how to stay inside of what has been lad out for us if we didn’t ever have them to begin with?

If we are to grow up and live in a world of laws and rules than we must have them from the beginning. We must have parents and not best friends. Parents must lay down the law and set up some guide lines or we will go into this world and not have a clue how to live in it.

This is one of my english papers and I have great parents.
This is also my first draft so don't make fun, but if you have a good suggestion go ahead and leave a comment.

O, and this whole thing with you all is getting out of hand. But at the same time it is entertaining.

Tip of the day: You pay for the glass therefor buy good glass.

Talk to you later,


Anonymous said...

Okay Jeremy, I am starting think that maybe I was wrong about you being the stalker. Only because I know that a pinky swear is pretty serious coming from you.

Oh and thanks for the compliment Alex. That made my day!

Anonymous said...

What thing honey there is only one of me, and i'm the only one for you.
You are gitting famous with these comments, honey.

Are you cheating on me baby,
i'm starting to dought our relation- ship sweet tart

Anonymous said...

Hay all you peeps out there i need your help, i need new names for my baby.

Do you think he is cheating on me.

Anonymous said...

Hay layne do you still have those baby pictures of alex, i would love see those beatiful pictures.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous-- I think Alex is cheating on you!!!

Jeremy T. Brancheau said...

Hey pencil head, Mariah is the cheater

Anonymous said...

Witch mariah i know one and i think there is one in IA, and i am no pencil head pencil head.

Anonymous said...

Dude git a differant picture anything than that monkey it is just wierd

Anonymous said...

Read layne's blog!!!

Jeremy T. Brancheau said...
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Jeremy T. Brancheau said...

Is anyone aware that the time stamp on the comments are the time that Alex has set up? Probably not CST, so it is very possible that Mariah or Conner could be the stalker

Anonymous said...

Hey Alex how about calling your brother youre own flesh and blood you know the guy who taught you the more important things in life every now and then huh, instead of that frupple pearson knowing more than me!

Anonymous said...

What's this frouple, alex if that's your real name.
and you do not even talk to your own brother.

person is spelled person not pearson

Anonymous said...

layne i think you are the stalker with somebody else of coures,
and who my sad what i was going to say
about wrighting person wrong?

Anonymous said...

I think who ever the "stalker" is needs to stop. I don't find it funny. Why do people post anonymous? If you can't say who you are, why say anything? I really hope the "stalker" isn't anyone from around here, because they are showing a poor representation of Christ. Christian's shouldn't talk like that.

Alex, you could be in my family, scary huh? :)

Anonymous said...

Jeremy.. the time stamp is set up on Mountain time.

Anonymous said...

First of all
your husband talks like this!!!
And second of all
why am i not showing christ!!!
And third of all i'm not trying to be funny!!!
And fourth of all i think you are a wierd-o!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And for number five your husband show's very poor christ.

Anonymous said...

If you think that Jeremy is representing Christ poorly and it is bothering you, then you should call him on it. If you think that he is representing Christ poorly based on the way he talks when he posts ("First of all your husband talks like this!!!")then you just answered your own question, with why I think you are representing Christ poorly. I am not trying to argue with you. I just think that you should stop posting comments like that.

Ryan Brancheau said...

Alright this needs to stop. It is now personal. I have set up a blog to stop & expose this stalker. It is www.stopalexsstalker.blogspot.com if you want to be a member & post to this blog & aid in this effort please click on my profile & email me your email address & I will send you an invite.