
Back For Now

Well this last weekend was the best I have had in a long time. I got to hang out with my family and eat so much good food it was great. The best part I would have to say was seeing Mariah even though we were stuck in Earlham with a car that wouldn’t start yea that was fun, but it’s all good. And we got the talk, you all know what the talk is. It was rather fun and we got free food. Taking pictures of L&S&K was not all that fun. I set it all up and got it ready and I swear they all wanted to torment me. Well not really Layne and Sara buy more like conner and yea conner. But it was okay in the end I just keep thinking this was wasting my time that I could spend with Mariah and having fun, duh. Well next time I will know what to do better so that it all goes faster and more smoothly. Over all it was a great Thanksgiving. See you soon and talk to you all sooner.

Live on bloggers,
Alex McGinnis

Photo tip for the day: Let us see who you are in the photo.


Anonymous said...

It sound's like this conner is a BUTTHEAD
That's because what ever you say is true and i will back you up all the way,

Ryan Brancheau said...

Anonymous, I thought you left. You are like a bad case of the flu, nobody likes it & it wont GO AWAY. How about you leave us alone. You seem to be pretty scared & spineless that you wont put your name out here.