
Me & My Stupid Self

So the past couple of day's I have been thinking really really hard on something and think that I have made much progress into the deep of this subject are you ready because here it comes, the point that I have made great leaps & bounds into the deep thoughts of is the second bathroom stall in a men's bathroom. I have gone to the bathroom and have been required to use a bathroom stall almost everyday here are American Equity at or around 9 o'clock in the morning and again sometime in the afternoon. Although afternoon times are more random than the morning bathroom stall visit. In my visits there are a few thing that I have noticed that may prove that the second bathroom stall is more than just a box with a hole for the in particular bathroom stall user. First off I want to make clear that this is only true if you are not a upper management person per say of a corporate company for they have no reason to worry about he person next to them thinking anything "weird" about them, they can fire them on the spot if needed. But for the rest of us here is my thought on the second bathroom stall in the men's bathroom. Because you can't see the person in the stall next to you, you can't know if they are someone important or just some equal but still influential coworker. And for me at least you don't know if there will be certain "noises" that will be exerted during your bathroom stall visit. So what does you/the other person do when the second stall is going/was in use. You either hold it in or wipe and leave. Thus the second bathroom stall is just a switching point for users.

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1 comment:

Mrs Edgey said...

You know it's a shame, in the corporate world ,that it is so mindless that you have serious thoughts regarding the bathroom stall. Been there & done that. I remember starting to write some story about the great white throne when I was at the insurance company for 8 years. Pathetic! I guess it's a cause for creativitiy.