
Puke and a Fire

Last night was one of the longest nights in my life and I just thought that I should share it with you so that you might petty me. Late last night I was watching the keynote speech from this weeks announcement o say around 12:30AM. When I finely get ready to go to bed. I am just about to fall asleep when my roommate comes in the door. I just lay there not really caring until I notice that there are 4 other people carering him in thru the door and on to the bed. I than turn around to find him so drunk that he cant even walk. They go to work they first take of his shirt and next get the trash can. It’s funny watching drunk people take care of other drunk people. Not to long after they get the trash can I hear the sound of splashing in the bucket, yes it is what you think PUKE! Not once but twice. The others are still in the room helping him throw up in the bucket. About 2 o’clock they head for the door only to hear a sound coming from the hallway. They open the door and yes the fire alarm is going off. They head out into the hallway, I jump out of bed and grab my nearest shirt. They come back in and I say that we need to get Eric and head outside. They say he is not going anywhere. I tell them that one of them needs to stay here with him then one of the girls says that she will do it. I head for the door. Downstairs and outside we all go the entire dorm of people standing outside in 20 degree weather. This cares on tell about 3:30AM mind you that I have not slept at all. We get word that we can head back to our rooms. This morning I wake to find a note under my door saying that Eric has to meet with Abbie. Just so you know this is not good at all. Eric is still asleep and I am running on 3 hours of sleep. So that was my night I hope that you all had a good night sleep. I really need to clean that bucket out.


Ryan Brancheau said...

That's nasty. If it helps I didn't very well last night. Who is Abbie?

Anonymous said...

thats nasty and very funny.


Jeremy T. Brancheau said...

I havent slept good for a while now