

To the person who is posting the weird comments on my site: Please Stop! This is a very weird thing to have happen so soon after eveybody finds out about my newest adventure in life, it's kinda awkward. Besides what kind of weird sicko post things like that on someones site. I now shut my blinds while I sleep so that you my not have the oppurtunity to look through my windows and watch me while I am a sleep. It's also become a problem for me to walk accros camposs I am in constant fear of having my photo taking from a distance or of you jumping out at me from behind a bush of some sort this is espcially ture at night! For instance last night while I was walking to my car I thought I heard someone walking behind me. The jingling of keys and change was very noticeable. Before long I was in full sprint towrds my car. Just so you know when you are running from someone towrds your car you should try and get your keys out on the way to the car because once you get to the car it takes to long to snache them from your pocket. Only once I was safely in my car I was able to see that it was just a friend of mine that was on his way to his car. So please stop for I am starting to get paranoid. Thank You.


Jeremy T. Brancheau said...

Very well put hott pants

Anonymous said...

Hey look now I can know what is going on in your life woth out asking Mariah!

Anonymous said...

I will never stop you hotty.

your lover.