
My Day

Thanks to the person who was posting weird things on my site (I knew who it was). Well my days here keep going by faster and faster. It's only 35 days till I get to come home for Thanksgiving, I can't wait. It will be so much fun I can bring my photos home and see everybody it will be fun. This week has been good to me nothing much has happened and therefore I have got a lot of homework done. Well last night I was feeling like I was getting sick and went to bed with a bucket next to me, but this morning I felt much better, woohoo for me. Today I got some classes to go to but they wont be long besides there photo classes so time will go by fast. Today's weather is brought to you by, yes you guessed it the monkeys selling crackers down on the corner of 6th and main. Today's high will be 54? And raining. Well I hope you all have a good day, write to you soon. O and the fact that I am not watching TV also gives me a lot of time.


Jeremy T. Brancheau said...

Who was it?

Anonymous said...

You will have to come hang out with Jeremy and me when you come home!! :)

Anonymous said...

so you found out hou it is so you think.

Bye bye hotty.

Anonymous said...

Why do you have to leave so soon my kooch koo.

Anonymous said...

Who was it ? who is it ?