
Mid-Terms, how else can I put it?

There’s just no way else to put it but mid-terms. Yea I got them today in both of my classes but all will be good. Nothing much has happened of interest to you all so I’ll just tell you of my weekend. I now have Photoshop CS2 on my computer so it helps me get stuff done sooner. I wont tell you how I got it but I got it (wink wink). Friday was very uneventful so there’s nothing to tell you there so I’ll go to Saturday. Saturday I got up at 5AM to call Mariah to make sure she was awake on time. Well I thought that since I was up why not go shoot. So I did and I took Derick along with me. It was easy shooting my exposures came out great on all of them. You can see some of the leaf photos that I took that morning on my photo site. We get back and Derick wants to go again I say how about in the morning. What's he say sounds great. So the next morning we get up at 5AM again and go shoot for some reason it seemed a lot colder than the morning before. Again easy shooting, it was fun. Went to church where the music is loud and eat at Derick’s house. Came back here and got to work on the rest of my photos. Talked to Mariah and the day was done. Well that was my weekend, I hope that you all had a good one. Peace out!


Ryan Brancheau said...

You better share the love, & CS2 (wink, wink).

Anonymous said...

What wrong baby you don't want to talk about me[wink, wink]i mean i am the hotty, even if i am anonymous.

Bye bye fire fly.