

Last night was a fun night there was a mentelist here so I went to that show. So I was setting there last night with the group of friends that I always hang with. The show starts it was good at first you know the simple stuff. Him guessing a word that some one has chosen out of a book stuff like that. Next he moves on to guessing random things that one of the girls has pulled out of the room from people. That he had given to a friend that had helped him set up. He had recorded this tape last night in Chicago and on the tape it told us exatley what the person who had guessed his number that he had worth down on a piece of paper before he had us all pick a number and sit down when he eliminate our range. Next he blind folded him self with ducked tape and cloth. He had us all write down on a piece of paper our name something to do with numbers something about our selves and some question that we wanted answered. He than had a girl take all the paper and put them in a bowl. Next he pulled out random paper from the bowl. He crumpled them up in his hand. And if he got a "read" of one of them he would pick the initials and talk to the person with those inthanils and say there name and say what they wrote down on the paper. Hey got to go to class will be back about 12 check back after then to hear the rest just to let you know I come in to this soon.


Anonymous said...


Ryan Brancheau said...

Where's the second half... You can't just leave us hanging like this.

Anonymous said...

I have naked baby pictures of Alex if anyone wants them teehee, ahh funny stuff.