
It's Been A Long Time

So much has happened since last time I was posting on a regular basis. Mariah and I are living on the south side of Des Moines this is our third apartment since moving back from Colorado and it's the smallest but the most home like. I don't know how to explain it just that it feels like a home when you walk in the door. I still work at McDonalds but I'm getting ready to replace that as my full time job. Mariah and I are lucky to work together at another retail store. For the most part they give us the same hours which is great. We work there about 15-20 hours a week and a little less right now. As for photography it's going someplace I'm still not sure where but it's moving. I'm still trying to figure out why God gave me these sets of skills and don't think I will know why for a long time. My best theory is the way photography school changed the how I think. I know God will use that some place I just don't know when and how. I did do a couple of weddings last summer and learned a ton about how to handle customers and have changed the way I thought I would do business by far. Mariah has two semesters left in nursing college and I can't wait for it to be done. Having a schedule thats not just little blips but big chunks will make having one car a little easier. A second car is on our list of things we need to do once she can have a full time job but not at the top. We got a second dog this fall Philip is a 3 pound poodle and scared of me unless I'm the only one home. Talk to you guys later.

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