Im just sitting here waiting for Mariah to get off work Im not really sure what time she gets off but it should be some thing like around 11:15 than we will go home and go to sleep tea and by tea I mean yes! So far I have done two sinor photo shoots with three more to go.. I dont like that name um how about Mile Marker Photos or Chapter Shoots u know because its the end of one chapter the beginning of another or Legecy Photo Shoots or Memory or Remembrence Photos tell me what you think and any other ideas. I like the whole chapter idea because I could carry that over to every thing like baby photos and kids and sinors and engagment and weddings there all chapters in ones life.
I think best and most creative when theres some good worship music on I think its because of the creative god given part of the song writer is in the music I have come up with the best ideas during united or desperations songs if only i could remeber them all. Im about to fall asleep.
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