

Im just sitting here waiting for Mariah to get off work Im not really sure what time she gets off but it should be some thing like around 11:15 than we will go home and go to sleep tea and by tea I mean yes! So far I have done two sinor photo shoots with three more to go.. I dont like that name um how about Mile Marker Photos or Chapter Shoots u know because its the end of one chapter the beginning of another or Legecy Photo Shoots or Memory or Remembrence Photos tell me what you think and any other ideas. I like the whole chapter idea because I could carry that over to every thing like baby photos and kids and sinors and engagment and weddings there all chapters in ones life.
I think best and most creative when theres some good worship music on I think its because of the creative god given part of the song writer is in the music I have come up with the best ideas during united or desperations songs if only i could remeber them all. Im about to fall asleep.

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Its just such a wonderful eavining wish Mariah would get out of class early so I could enjoy it with her.


Right now Mariah and I are at jester park at saylorville lake around a fire that im pretty sure we are not supposed to have. So I have a escape plan all mocked up here it is right now we are down o about 1000 feet from the car to the left we have trees below we have long grass

this just in we have a helicopter coming our way it may be the head park ranger o nope its too far off

to the right we have more trees so if someone maybe a park ranger mariah and i are going down to the long grass than off to the left side were there trees in the short grass than up to the car where the keys are on top of the truck and away we go with or without craig and kathy hmmm we will see what happens.


The Final Plant Up-date

Well its been like a month now since I last told you about my plant. Well now Im sorry to have to tell you this but its dead long gone forever Im afraid but I still have a cool pot.

Its weird all the college students left McDonalds 2 weeks ago and all but a fellow photo student Jay and I are back for there portfolio class - I kinda miss it, the whole school thing that is. Did I ever tell you all about the link on the sidebar to my portfolio website hopefully it wont be there for long because I want to update the site and make it a fully functioning site for my photo business. Well time to go to church talk to you all later.

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