
First Time In The Studio

Today was my first time in the studio here at the school and I loved it Mariah and I had so much fun and it's just great to be able to control everything. Here are some of the shots from today.

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Fine I Will Already!

Wow things have been busy since we got here and I don't have much time before class to post but I thought I would anyways just because I could ha. I will I will try to post more often but until than I will just leave you with some photos that I have taken latly and it's only about a tenth of the shots I want to post but I don't have time to get the others ready before class well talk to you all later.


11 Photos

Derick, Mariah & I were down in town today and I came across this painting in a alley. It was to big for me to get it in one photo because I couldn't back up very far. So I've seen people do something like this and thought that I would give it a try so this is the out come. I like they diffrent way they look so I think you will see more of these in the future.

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